Global Talent Innovation and Development Forum

On the afternoon of July 8th, the 8th Dalian University of Technology International Youth Forum and 2024 Dalian Global Talent Innovation and Development Forum were held at the Dalian International Conference Center. It is reported that this forum is divided into a main forum and subject-specific sub-forums. Centered around Dalian's construction of a "National Important Talent Center and Innovation ...


Study Camp Programs

Dalian University of Technology International Office organizes a variety of online exchange activities and cultural events to foster friendship and social networking opportunities for international students.

Chinese Language Programs

This is a four-year degree program emphasizing the practical use of Chinese in international enterprise management and it aims to cultivate advanced talents with Chinese language skills to meet the needs of the international market. The international students are expected to have a command of Chinese knowledge and language skills which are required in business and trade.

Bachelor Programs

Browse the latest course list and learn about the application opportunities at DUT.

Master Programs

Browse the latest course list and learn about the application opportunities at DUT.

PH.D Programs

Browse the latest course list and learn about the application opportunities at DUT.

DUT has built solid foundation for its further development with the accumulation of the efforts of generations of DUTers in seizing the great opportunity of building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. It has unveiled its plan for the construction of a "first-class university": After three phases of implementation from 2018 to 2049, DUT will become a world first-class university on its 100th anniversary. In its history of developmetnt, the strategy of strengthening the university by attracting talents for discipline construction composed the epic of DUTers, so will DUT attract academics at home and abroad with its inclusiveness and have great achievements for the New Era with their joint efforts, echoing the causes of the Party and the State.


Full-time students


International students


Teachers and staff


Long-term and short-term foreign experts


Over 150 overseas exchange programs


Sister universities in 42 countries and regions


3 International Joint Institutes and 1 International Joint Training Program


15 Members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and members of Chinese Academy of Engineering in full-time faculty, 34 part-time faculty, and 1 Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences


1 National Collaborative Innovation Center, 4 State Key Laboratories, 1 National Engineering Research Centers, 6 National Engineering Laboratories


National Innovation Centers for Introducing Talents of Discipline


Alumni in 150 countries and regions


211 and 985 Project ,the “World-Class University Construction Plan”, category A

joint education